Banjul, Gambia(PANA) - The Gambia Press Union (GPU) has welcomed the verdict and sentencing of Bai Lowe, a former death squad member under ex-dictator Yahya Jammeh, to life imprisonment for his role in the murder of journalist Deyda Hydara.   The Higher Regional Court of Celle, a northern town in Germany, found [...]
©- - 30 november 2023 - 15:41:17 - thread Society (841 words)

Athens-Greece (PANA)   -  A 40-year-old Greek-Nigerian woman arrested in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, on Wednesday is seen as one of the key figures in a human trafficking racket in Italy forcing dozens of girls from the West African country into prostitution. A report published Saturday by a Greek newspaper (kathimerini), said Greek [...]
©- - 30 november 2019 - 11:28:38 - thread Society (256 words)

Bamako, Mali (PANA) - Twenty thousand young Nigerian women, hoping to reach Asia, found themselves in Mali's small-scale gold mines where they were forced into prostitution, the Malian press reporte Tuesday, adding that the Nigerian Agency to Combat Human Trafficking has deplored the situation. So many broken dreams! Leaving their homes [...]
©- - 29 january 2019 - 15:08:12 - thread Society (221 words)

Paris, France (PANA) – Two Nigerian sisters will stand trial on Wednesday next week before the court of Troyes, eastern France, for their alleged involvement in establishing a prostitution ring in the country, their lawyer Mr Philippe Missamou, said on Thursday in Paris. Police say the women brought girls from Nigeria [...]
©- - 17 march 2011 - 20:55:40 - thread Society (162 words)