Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (PANA) - Professor Halidou Tinto is the winner of Nature'10, which rewards the ten scientists who made their mark on the world in 2023, the British magazine Nature announced on Wednesday when it published its list of the 10 scientists who made their mark on the world [...]
©- - 13 december 2023 - 20:40:04 - thread Health (399 words)

Paris, France (PANA)   -  The UN agency announced here Tuesday the names of three professors as recipients of the 2019 UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Life Sciences Research. They were American Cato Laurencin, Irish Kevin McGuigan and Chinese Youyou Tu. Laurencin, biomedical engineer and orthopedic surgeon, who holds the Albert and Wilda [...]
©- - 23 october 2019 - 23:06:08 - thread Health (361 words)

Luanda, Angola (PANA) - At least 79.9 percent of people living in Angola have heard about HIV/AIDS, though only 23 percent know enough about HIV/AIDS prevention, Angola's Press Agency (ANGOP) said Thursday. The state-run news agency quoted a report released by the National Statistics Institute (INE) as showing thatat least 84 [...]
©- - 08 september 2011 - 14:36:31 - thread Health (126 words)