Dubai, UAE (PANA) - Advocates showcased the devastating impacts of climate upheaval on their communities at COP 28 on Monday as the focus of the world’s largest climate gathering turned to financial support for those most at risk – first and foremost youth and women in developing countries. Among them is [...]
©- - 04 december 2023 - 13:45:18 - thread Environment (796 words)

Bujumbura, Burundi (PANA) - Burundi is one of the 20 countries in the world most vulnerable to climate change, the local office of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said here Wednesday. The African Great Lakes country is particularly exposed to recurrent disasters, combined with dependence on agricultural production and [...]
©- - 20 september 2023 - 14:20:16 - thread Environment (422 words)

Petersberg, Germany (PANA) - All countries should commit to zero carbon emissions by 2050 if the world is to avoid a disastrous 2.4 degree Celsius temperature rise by the end of this century, UN Secretary General, António Guterres, said on Thursday. In his keynote speech at a high-level climate gathering in [...]
©- - 06 may 2021 - 19:02:00 - thread Environment (572 words)

Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) - Three individuals drowned at the weekend as a result of adverse weather in three eastern and southern regions of Mauritania -- Assaba, Guidimakha and Gorgol, located in the east and south, the Emergency Commission of the Ministry of Interior announced on Monday. Following a downpour, a child [...]
©- - 21 september 2020 - 14:33:17 - thread Environment (171 words)

Port Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - Mauritius Meteorological Services on Monday issued a Class II cyclone warning for the island nation as well as for Rodrigues Island. According to a meteorologist on duty at 1600 local time (1200 hours GMT), tropical cyclone Herold was centred about 500 km northwest of Mauritius, at [...]
©- - 16 march 2020 - 17:34:05 - thread Environment (173 words)

Banjul, Gambia (PANA) - “The main challenges facing the Gambia in the context of climate change, is its high vulnerability to climate change and climate variability worsened by low capacity to address and adapt to the phenomenon,” said President Adama Barrow. He added: “This low capacity is evident at all levels [...]
©- - 04 march 2020 - 19:48:00 - thread Environment (725 words)

Gaborone, Botswana (PANA) - Botswana is currently under ‘siege’ of outbreaks of wild fueled veldt fires which are ravaging the dried grasslands across the country. According to an update from the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism, through the Department of Forestry and Range Resources (DFRR), the current fires [...]
©- - 01 november 2019 - 17:40:38 - thread Environment (421 words)

Gaborone, Botswana (PANA) - Botswana's Ministry of Environment Wildlife and Tourism and that of Health and Wellness have warned  the public about the escalating heat wave across the country. The Permanent Secretary in the health ministry, Ruth Maphorisa said on Tuesday that extreme heat continues to be experienced throughout the country [...]
©- - 22 october 2019 - 14:29:37 - thread Environment (288 words)

Gaborone, Botswana (PANA) - The Botswana Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism, through the Department of Meteorological Services, has warned that there will be a significant increase in temperatures over the country. The heat wave is expected from the 20 Oct 2019 into the following week. Extremely hot temperatures of [...]
©- - 18 october 2019 - 18:14:47 - thread Environment (235 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - Rwanda Meteorology Agency on Thursday reiterated its warning of heavy rains in many parts of Rwanda with concentrations of raindrops typically ranging from 10 to 40 millimetres, especially in Southern and Western Provinces. In its urgent warning issued in Kigali, the department said that several parts of [...]
©- - 17 october 2019 - 17:56:51 - thread Environment (236 words)

Lomé, Togo (PANA) - Authorities in Togo have expressed concern about the heavy rains pounding the country since late September and called on the population to be vigilant during outings. According to Togo's  meteorological services, more than 92mm of rain has fallen  in the capital, Lomé, since 30 September and that [...]
©- - 10 october 2019 - 14:37:27 - thread Environment (269 words)

Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia (PANA)   -   African researchers and experts on Climate Change meeting here Wednesday concluded that the current predictability of weather and climate forecasts, coupled with ocean-atmosphere models, were widely used in weather forecasts in several regions across Africa. They, however, said the use of such information in decision scenarios was [...]
©- - 10 october 2019 - 00:08:13 - thread Environment (574 words)

Kigali, Rwanda (PANA) - A fire gutted hundreds of shops in a market for construction and household appliances in Kimironko, one of the suburbs of Kigali city on Saturday, destroying goods and property, a police source confirmed in a statement.   The market was open for business at the time when the fire [...]
©- - 13 july 2019 - 18:15:42 - thread Environment (230 words)

Port Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - The Mauritius weather station issued a warning Tuesday of torrential rains for the entire island, official sources said in the Mauritian capital. According to the weather station, the air mass remains humid and unstable over the region, favouring the formation of active clouds. "These clouds cause heavy [...]
©- - 09 april 2019 - 23:25:06 - thread Environment (130 words)

Niamey, Niger (PANA) - Weather forecast in Niger indicates average temperatures of 44 to 45 degrees Celsius in April, the hottest month in the country, said Ousmane Baoua, Division Chief at the Meteorological Directorate, rejecting some information posted on social networks reporting a temperature rise to 49° Celsius. In an interview [...]
©- - 05 april 2019 - 16:25:09 - thread Environment (450 words)

Rome, Italy (PANA) - Forests have an acclaimed role as a carbon sink needed to tackle climate change, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) assured here but warned "Less known is how their contribution can be scaled up even after a tree has been logged." According to a new FAO [...]
©- - 20 july 2016 - 12:38:16 - thread Environment (759 words)

Bonn, Germany (PANA) - The climate targets so far submitted to the UN by governments will collectively lead to global emissions far above the levels needed to hold warming to below 2°C, the Climate Action Tracker (CAT) said on Wednesday. The analysis by the consortium of four research organisations was [...]
©- - 02 september 2015 - 14:50:13 - thread Environment (381 words)

Lima, Peru (PANA) – As the first-week of the UN climate negotiations drew to a close in Lima, Peru, developed countries at the talks have been accused of baulking at specific measures that would have them scale up climate action now. According to Climate Action Network (CAN), a global network of [...]
©- - 07 december 2014 - 12:18:48 - thread Environment (608 words)

Lusaka, Zambia (PANA) - The UN top climate change official, Christiana Figueres, has urged investors to accelerate their portfolios as one crucial step towards a low-carbon economy that can better cope with the threats and seize the opportunities from climate change. Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention [...]
©- - 15 january 2014 - 14:34:08 - thread Environment (682 words)

Warsaw, Poland (PANA) – Negotiators at the UN Climate talks in Warsaw, Poland, have agreed on the rules on financing forest protection in developing nations, a breakthrough in the negotiations scheduled to end Friday. The mechanism for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) which puts sustainable finance and strong [...]
©- - 22 november 2013 - 17:28:59 - thread Environment (195 words)

Warsaw, Poland (PANA) – With a day to go before the two-week UN climate negotiations ends in Warsaw, Poland, over 800 observers from NGOs and social movements on Thursday walked out of the negotiations, accusing rich industrialised countries of jeopardising international climate action. “We believe in this process. We will never [...]
©- - 21 november 2013 - 17:05:12 - thread Environment (778 words)

Warsaw, Poland (PANA) – A special ceremony was held here Wednesday at the UN Climate Change Conference meeting in Warsaw, Poland, to honour 17 prestigious activities across the global driven by people who are passionate about providing climate change solutions for their cities and communities. The 17 activities serve as shining [...]
©- - 20 november 2013 - 16:33:02 - thread Environment (371 words)

Warsaw, Poland (PANA) – United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, has told a high-level segment of the UN Climate Change Conference meeting in Warsaw, Poland, to lay firm foundations for the 2015 global climate agreement to be entered in Paris, stressing that success in the French capital means bringing substantive progress [...]
©- - 19 november 2013 - 18:15:44 - thread Environment (635 words)

Warsaw, Poland (PANA) – Kathleen Colson, the woman behind an inspiring project in northern Kenya that has won a UN award, says she wanted to find a solution that will make a difference to the pastoral families in the east Africa country whose traditional way of life has been devastated [...]
©- - 19 november 2013 - 14:50:18 - thread Environment (372 words)

Warsaw, Poland (PANA) – Supporters from non-governmental organizations across the globe on Saturday marched through the city centre, near where the UN climate negotiations are taking place in Warsaw, Poland, to demand movement from policy-makers against catastrophic climate change and to also honour the ‘Arctic 30’. It was announced recently that [...]
©- - 16 november 2013 - 16:55:18 - thread Environment (548 words)

Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) provided almost US$ 27 billion worldwide, in financing to address the challenges of climate change in 2012, according to the second joint MDB report on climate finance. The report was released Saturday, in line with the commitment by MDBs to enhance the [...]
©- - 16 november 2013 - 11:42:31 - thread Environment (504 words)

Warsaw, Poland (PANA) – The head of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Christiana Figueres, says finance will be a key issue in Warsaw, and that it is critical that there is clarity on how countries are going to mobilise over time the US$ 100 billion funding that [...]
©- - 15 november 2013 - 16:26:50 - thread Environment (514 words)

Warsaw, Poland (PANA) – The Humbo project, located 342 kilometres south of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, has been cited as being Africa’s first large-scale carbon trading forestry project developed under the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The pilot project being implemented by World Vision Australia and the Ethiopian [...]
©- - 15 november 2013 - 14:36:00 - thread Environment (364 words)

Warsaw, Poland (PANA) – The poorest countries of the world, meeting here for the 19th UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties, have finalized a comprehensive set of plans to deal with the inevitable impacts of climate change. UNFCCC disclosed Thursday in Warsaw, Poland, where negotiators have gathered [...]
©- - 14 november 2013 - 15:13:18 - thread Environment (443 words)

Warsaw, Poland (PANA) – As the UN Climate Change Conference opened Monday in Warsaw, Poland, the civil society groups across Africa have demanded that developed countries fulfill and implement their commitments under the UN climate convention, in order to fairly share a necessary 'emissions budget', and avoid catastrophic climate change. [...]
©- - 11 november 2013 - 17:53:30 - thread Environment (682 words)

Doha, Qatar (PANA) – African governments at the UN Climate Change Conference in the Qatari capital, Doha, have said that unresolved issues among different regions of the world should not be used as instruments at the negotiation tables to backslide from decision taken so far. Addressing the high-level segment meeting of [...]
©- - 04 december 2012 - 16:37:16 - thread Environment (320 words)

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (PANA) – Expressing concern that Africa is on the frontline of a planetary emergency, representatives of the continent’s civil society at the ongoing climate conference in Doha, Qatar, Tuesday urged African leaders at the talks to demand deep cuts of greenhouse gas emission from developed countries. [...]
©- - 04 december 2012 - 16:06:14 - thread Environment (793 words)

Doha, Qatar (PANA) – UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has warned that countries are in a race against time to stay below the agreed threshold of two degrees Celsius to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. The UN chief told government ministers and negotiators gathered in Doha, Qatar, to be [...]
©- - 04 december 2012 - 15:21:06 - thread Environment (536 words)

Doha, Qatar (PANA) – As the UN Climate Change Conference entered its high-level segment Tuesday, non-governmental environmental groups have urged ministers in Doha to ensure that negotiators find a mandated decision on loss and damage through the Conference of Parties (COP) work programme agreed on two years in Cancun, Mexico. [...]
©- - 04 december 2012 - 13:25:32 - thread Environment (489 words)

Doha, Qatar (PANA) – Powerful developed countries, in particular the US, have been accused of making the Green Climate Fund a “Greedy Corporate Fund”. The civil society at the UN Climate Change Conference, taking place in Doha, Qatar, charged that developed countries had been saying that there was no public money [...]
©- - 03 december 2012 - 19:47:47 - thread Environment (725 words)

Doha, Qatar (PANA) – Representatives of civil society in Africa, who are at the UN Climate Change Conference taking place in Doha, Qatar, have demanded that countries that have expressed intentions of opting out of the Kyoto Protocol (KP) must not be allowed to benefit from flexible mechanisms such as [...]
©- - 01 december 2012 - 13:10:50 - thread Environment (460 words)

Doha, Qatar (PANA) – The European Union (EU) has said it is prepared to adopt an amendment to the Kyoto Protocol that inscribes a new Quantified Emission Limitation Reduction Objectives (QELROs) for the EU and its member states in Annex B of the protocol. The EU, in a statement delivered on [...]
©- - 26 november 2012 - 16:55:54 - thread Environment (838 words)

Doha, Qatar (PANA) – Representatives of civil society groups around the world who are gathered in Doha, Qatar, for the UN climate conference say Doha is a crucial turning point in addressing the global emergency of climate change as the conference kicked off Monday with an ongoing battle over the [...]
©- - 26 november 2012 - 16:04:11 - thread Environment (832 words)

Lusaka, Zambia (PANA) - In an effort to bring the benefits of the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to under-represented countries, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC) secretariat, in collaboration with the Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (BOAD), has established a CDM support office in Lomé, Togo, [...]
©- - 16 october 2012 - 15:07:02 - thread Environment (386 words)

Durban, South Africa (PANA) - A riveting photo -- Solar Panels: The Sunny Energy -- by a young South African, Dina Osman, and a catchy rap video -- Me and My Bike, celebrating bicycle transport, by Dickson Oyuki of Kenya -- won the top honors in the Africa-wide Connect4Climate (C4C) [...]
©- - 06 december 2011 - 19:35:32 - thread Environment (567 words)

Durban, South Africa (PANA) – South African President Jacob Zuma on Tuesday called on the high-level segment of the United Nations Climate Change Conference to re-build trust and re-assure one another of honest intent and commitment as ministers and heads of state strive to find solutions to elements that will [...]
©- - 06 december 2011 - 17:27:58 - thread Environment (593 words)

Durban, South Africa (PANA) – At a consultative meeting at the current UN Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa, Japan Monday called for a new single comprehensive framework with the inclusion of all major economies to agree to binding emission targets. Japanese ambassador Masahiko Horie told journalists that he proposed [...]
©- - 05 december 2011 - 17:22:41 - thread Environment (760 words)

Durban, South Africa (PANA) - Qatar and Korea will co-host the United Nations Climate Change Conference at the end of 2012, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres, announced here Tuesday. Figueres, who addressed journalists at the current Conference taking place in Durban, South Africa, said an [...]
©- - 29 november 2011 - 15:48:29 - thread Environment (390 words)

Cape Town, South Africa (PANA) - South African President Jacob Zuma, on Monday called on delegates attending the UN climate conference in Durban to work a "balanced, fair and credible" outcome with a view to reaffirming the Kyoto Protocol. "You have before you the responsibility to re-affirm the multi-lateral rules-based [...]
©- - 28 november 2011 - 14:51:33 - thread Environment (501 words)

Luanda, Angola (PANA) - The Angolan Vice President, Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos, arrived Durban, South Africa, on Sunday evening to attend the opening ceremony of the United Nations (UN) conference on Climate Change. On his arrival, the Vice President was welcomed at the King Shaka Airport by the South [...]
©- - 28 november 2011 - 10:35:00 - thread Environment (140 words)

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (PANA) - On the eve of the Africa Union (AU) Summit in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, Kenyan Nobel Peace Laureate, Wangari Maathai, has called on African leaders to respond to the global climate change crisis that disproportionately impacts Africans, particularly African women. “Climate change does not affect everyone [...]
©- - 29 june 2011 - 09:28:42 - thread Environment (753 words)