Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - Members of the "Solidarity Alliance", representing a newly formed network of 25 Libyan civil society organizations and women leaders, believe that holding elections on a solid constitutional basis is the way forward to break the deadlock in the country. This position was proclaimed during an online meeting [...]
©- - 13 april 2022 - 15:59:02 - thread Politics (331 words)

Khartoum, Sudan (PANA) - A recently-formed group of civilians of the Nuba Mountains, in South Kordufan, has declared an initiative for a ceasefire in the region to pave the way for immediate peace negotiations with Sudan's central government, the official Sudan news agency (SUNA) reported. SUNA quoted a member of [...]
©- - 02 december 2013 - 15:54:47 - thread Politics (228 words)