Panafrican News Agency

Arab leaders reaffirm their support for Libya's sovereignty and independence

Tripoli, Libya (PANA) - The 33rd Summit of the League of Arab States concluded its work, reaffirming its full support for Libya, its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.

It also reaffirmed the cessation of all interference in its internal affairs and the withdrawal of all foreign forces and mercenaries from its territory within a specified timeframe.

A communiqué issued on Thursday in Manama, the capital of Bahrain, by the leaders of the Arab countries called on the House of Representatives (Parliament) and the High State Council to speed up consensus on the adoption of electoral laws, meeting the demands of the Libyan people, aimed at holding simultaneous parliamentary and presidential elections and putting an end to the transitional stages.

The document also urged all parties in Libya to pursue the political process and achieve national reconciliation in a way that safeguards the supreme interests of the Libyan state and meets the aspirations of its people for peace, stability and prosperity.

The participants also stressed their support for efforts to achieve a political settlement in line with the terms of reference of the solution and to unify the institutions of the State to realize the aspirations of the Libyan people, welcoming at the same time the efforts of neighbouring countries, the Arab League, the United Nations and the African Union to bring the points of view between the parties closer together to restore unity and achieve a political settlement of the crisis.

-0- PANA BY/JSG/BBA/RA 17May2024