Panafrican News Agency

Guterres condemns attack on UN compound in Mogadishu

New York, US (PANA) - United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has strongly condemned Tuesday’s attack against the UN compound in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, a UN statement from New York said.

Guterres said in the statement on Wednesday that intentionally attacking UN personnel may constitute "a violation of international humanitarian law”.

Seven mortars landed inside the compound, injuring two UN staff members and one contractor. None of the injuries is life-threatening, the UN said.

Guterres wished the injured a speedy recovery and urged the Somali authorities to investigate the attacks and swiftly bring those responsible to justice.

The Secretary-General reaffirmed that such acts will not diminish the strong resolve of the United Nations to continue supporting the people and Government of Somalia in their efforts to build peace and stability in the country.

"Investigate the attacks and swiftly bring those responsible to justice," he said.

Meanwhile, Nicholas Haysom, the UN Secretary General's Special Representative to Somalia and head of the Somalia Assistance Mission (UNSOM) has also condemned the attack “in the strongest possible terms”.

Terror group, Al-Shabaab, has reportedly claimed responsibility for the attack.

Deploring the “unwarranted act of aggression against our personnel”, Haysom stressed that “no political agenda can be served through violence that deliberately targets staff members of international organizations who are supporting the consolidation of peace and the strengthening of governing institutions in Somalia”.

Hours later, the news media reported that the Somali Government had declared Haysom persona non-grata and asked him to leave the country, saying that he violated international diplomatic norms by interfering in the State’s national sovereignty.

News reports said that on Monday, the UN diplomat wrote the Somali government asking it, among other things, to explain the legal basis for arresting Mukhtar Robow, the former al-Shabab deputy leader who was the main challenger in the South West State elections for regional presidency.
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